Mohammed Alhussaini


Hello. My name is Mohammed Alhussaini, I design websites mainly on front-end side. I also dabble with back-end technologies, mainly Python. Frameworks, like Flask or React, are still on pending status.
If you are looking for Data Science skills, stay tuned...


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#Past Projects:

Memory game project

Memory Game

The second project of Udacity Front-end Nano-degree. Memory Game to exercise js functionalities.

Anime Gallery project

Anime Gallery project

The first project of Udacity Front-end Nano-degree. I already have a profile, so I created a gallery of my favorite Anime shows. The images aren't so clear, and it will only git recognized by their fans.

pixel art maker project

Pixel Art Maker

Page made in the first phase of Udacity Front-end challenge. It consists of a simple one-page website in which you can create a grid table and create personalized pixel art.

animal trading card project

Animal Trading Cards

Page made in the first phase of Udacity Front-end challenge. It was a simple trading card to exercise css functionalities.